Why Job?

We started a series on Job at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville this past Sunday entitled “Walking with God When Life Goes Sideways.” After teaching through the Gospel of Mark we wanted to turn our attention to the Old Testament for a season and the wisdom literature in particular. The finalists were Job and Ecclesiastes. It was a tough choice.  In his commentary on Job, Francis Anderson describes this book as “…one of the best gifts of God to men.”…

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Throwback Thursday: Sinclair Ferguson Interview, Part 4

Sinclair Ferguson is one of my favorite authors and preachers. He appears on my short list of those who have taught me the most about the gospel. I’m always quoting this guy whether in sermons or casual conversation with someone. When I’m asked which of his books I recommend, I say: I recommend them all. Yep, all of them. Several years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing Sinclair. Recently a pastor sent me an e-mail informing me that he…

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Just Do It

Due to my tendency towards procrastination, the following quote by preacher Alexander MacLaren is posted under my computer monitor as a daily means of confronting that procrastinator within. My hope is that, by the grace of God, it will provoke diligence to attend to the most important matters each day for the glory of God. It reads: No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. It is only when they are behind us and…

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Throwback Thursday: Sinclair Ferguson Interview, Part 3

Sinclair Ferguson is one of my favorite authors and preachers. He appears on my short list of those who have taught me the most about the gospel. I’m always quoting this guy whether in sermons or casual conversation with someone. When I’m asked which of his books I recommend, I say: I recommend them all. Yep, all of them.  Several years ago, I had the privilege of interviewing Sinclair. Recently a pastor sent me an e-mail informing me that he…

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The Procrastinator Within

If I am busy, I must be productive, right? A busy man is a faithful and fruitful man? Nope. Busyness is no guarantee of productivity, faithfulness, or fruitfulness. But why? What distinguishes a fruitfully busy schedule from a non‐fruitful busy schedule? I think it comes down to two important points: understanding our sin and understanding our roles. Today we’ll look at our sin and later we will look more closely at roles). In the last post we looked at Walter…

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