Smiling At the Storm

You are probably familiar with the story in Mark’s Gospel where Jesus calms the life-threatening storm the disciples unexpectedly encounter as they make their way across the Sea of Galilee. But you might not be as familiar with the story in Mark 6 where the disciples were back at it, rowing away on yet another trip, but “they were making headway painfully, for the wind was against them.” Where might you be feeling a strong headwind in your life today…

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Goals (Part 3)

This series is becoming increasingly practice oriented. As it does, I think it is important to note that my approach is merely a recommendation, one recommendation among so many available today. It’s not important that you emulate my approach, but you do need some theologically informed approach to time management, a custom‐designed approach that incorporates your particular roles and goals into your weekly or monthly schedule. So let me explain how the specific goals work in relation to each of…

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When God Doesn’t Answer Your ‘Why?’ Question

We all have them. Each and every one of us has at least one “why” question we desperately desire God to explain. Yours is probably whatever you are thinking about as you read this post. We all have them. So why doesn’t God answer them? We discover an answer to this question in an unexpected place: Job, chapter 28. In his excellent commentary on Job, Christopher Ash writes: “In chapter 28 we stand back from the pain and debates to…

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Goals (Part 2)

Have you ever looked at an empty calendar and asked yourself, “What am I supposed to be doing right now?” Have you looked at a calendar filled to the brim with 25 hours of things to do each day and asked yourself, “What am I supposed to be doing right now?” By themselves, neither empty schedules nor suffocating schedules help clarify our daily priorities. But identifying our God‐ordained roles will. And if you are following along in this blog series,…

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Goals (Part 1)

For several weeks on this blog we have been considering the topic of biblical productivity. We started by understanding how Scripture defines procrastination. Then we transitioned to a discussion about roles, goals, and scheduling. In the previous two posts we talked about roles. Today we begin looking at the topic of goals. With each of our God‐assigned roles, God assigns us specific goals. Open your Bible and begin reading and within a few pages you will discover the genesis of…

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