Cravings and Conflict, Part 2 (It’s Simpler Than You Think)

Last time, we looked at how James 4:1-2 teaches us that relational conflict from a biblical perspective is worse than you think. But it is also simpler than you think. Let me explain. Relational conflict can sure seem complicated. It can certainly feel complicated when you’re in the midst of it. I cherish my bride of more than four decades. We have had a most blessed and romantic four decades of marriage by the grace of God. But we are…

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Goals (Part 4)

In the previous post in this series, I explained the personal goals that flow from my most important relationship: my relationship with God. Because that relationship is a priority, my goal is to practice the spiritual disciplines as a way of communing with God and acknowledging my dependence upon him. This goal shows up in my schedule as I protect my morning devotional time. Today we begin to explore biblical productivity in my relationships with others, particularly in my roles…

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Thanksgiving is for Adoration

There is a favorite C.S. Lewis quote I like to read my family on vacations and holidays, especially Thanksgiving. I discovered it on page 184 of John Piper’s book, When I Don’t Desire God: “I was standing today in the dark toolshed. The sun was shining outside and through the crack at the top of the door there came a sunbeam. From where I stood that beam of light, with the specks of dust floating in it, was the most striking thing in…

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You Gotta Meet This Guy

He’s been standing there all along but who knew? Let me introduce you to Elihu. You gotta meet this guy. He suddenly appears in Job 32. The reader had no idea he’s been there all along listening to Job lament to God and argue with his 3 friends. Who is this guy and why is he so angry? And why does he get 6 chapters? Why do we have to listen to him for 6 chapters before we can hear…

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Throwback Thursday: Cravings and Conflict Part 1 (It’s Worse Than You Think)

Over the past 15 years three godly men have approached me and asked my permission to marry my three daughters. These men have ventured where angels feared to tread. In approaching me about my daughters—and Carolyn and I are very grateful that God gave them the necessary courage to do so—it was our joy to give them our blessing. We derive great joy from observing how they have cared for and led our daughters and our 12 grandchildren. Along the…

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