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Category Archives: Miscellanies

Leadership + Family Vacation, Part 2

Part two of this series contains seven lessons I’ve learned while leading my family on vacation. See the first part here. 3. An Awareness of Indwelling Sin Don’t forget about indwelling sin. Though you are going on vacation, you would be wise to remember that sin never does. Merely altering one’s geography doesn’t subdue or silence sin. We are deceived if we think that a mere change in location or finding an idyllic setting will somehow suspend the active nature of sin. Actually sin…

Leadership + Family Vacation, Part 1

“It is a bad policy to forego the regular vacation.” Charles Spurgeon You’ve probably seen the Walt Disney World brochure, the one where the family is capped with Mickey Mouse ears, standing for a photo op with the Cinderella Castle rising in the background skyline and exploding fireworks raining down to celebrate the conclusion of a fun-filled day. Huge smiles are present on each face. But if you’ve ever been to Disney you know that this family can be hard to…