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Category Archives: Miscellanies

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 9: Your Next Game

My swimming career—along with every other sport I played—is a pathetic example of how not to play sports to the glory of God. As I look back, I now realize just how proud I was. The pool and the field were my stage, my opportunity to glorify myself—or at least try to. The countless swim meets and basketball, football, and baseball games were wasted opportunities. At every event, I wanted to be noticed. I wanted applause. Come to think of…

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 8: Sports Idols

We’ve been talking about how we can glorify God on the playing field—about how 1 Corinthians 10:31 applies to our sports. This passage of Scripture was written almost 2000 years ago. The apostle Paul was writing to people who were confused about eating steaks that had been offered as sacrifices to idols. It sounds like another world, one hardly relevant to us or to sports. Does anyone worship idols today? If Paul were writing another letter and addressing it to…

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 7: The Servant Athlete

Remember what we said earlier about God’s glory being displayed in Jesus Christ? Well here is something that should blow our minds. Scripture says that Jesus, even though he was God, “made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:7). Athletes, this is your example to follow. Whether you’re the star player or the ball boy, team captain or the last substitute, you can glorify God by finding ways to serve others. Here are some ideas: Encourage your…

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 6: The Humble Athlete

In addition to thanking God for sports, we glorify God by playing the game with humility. Sadly, this is one quality that’s often lacking, particularly in professional sports, and more and more in sports at all levels. But here’s an astonishing truth: humility gets God’s attention. In Isaiah 66 we read, “This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word” (Isaiah 66:2). God is decisively drawn to…

Don’t Waste Your Sports, Part 5: The Grateful Athlete

First, we play to the glory of God by thanking him for his gifts. Sports, and the ability to play them, are gifts from a merciful God. They are part of God’s kind design for humanity. In addition to being just plain fun, sports bring us many benefits, none of which we deserve. And we should thank God for all of them. Here are just a few: Rest and refreshment: In a fallen world, in the work and weariness of…