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Category Archives: Miscellanies

This Cry Assures Us of God’s Love

Not long ago we looked at God’s initiative in our adoption. The more aware we are of God’s initiative the more amazed we are of grace. Our position and status as adopted sons and daughters was secured by God’s initiative in sending his Son. Today I will focus on the work of the Holy Spirit in our experience of adoption. “God’s purpose was not only to secure our sonship by His Son,” John Stott writes, “but to assure us of…

Justified or Adopted? Which is Greater?

This is a question for Dr. J.I. Packer. And here is his answer: That justification—by which we mean God’s forgiveness of the past together with his acceptance for the future—is the primary and fundamental blessing of the gospel is not in question. Justification is the primary blessing, because it meets our primary spiritual need. We all stand by nature under God’s judgment; his law condemns us; guilt gnaws at us, making us restless, miserable, and in our lucid moments afraid;…

The Basis Of Adoption

Understanding adopting grace will protect us from the enchantment of legalism. This is the lesson we learned from Paul as he addressed the distortions of the gospel caused by false teaching in Galatia. Paul responded to the error of legalism by reminding the Galatians of God’s gracious activity. Paul reminded them that their relationship with God was the result of God’s initiative. Paul writes about this in Galatians 4:4–5: But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth…

Enchanting Legalism

Every time I hear about adopting families, I am moved. I often wonder what that transition is like for these children. For many, the orphanage is the only home they know and most cannot imagine the home that is prepared for them. Like adopted children, we can tend to reach back to what is familiar rather than reaching toward what we are promised in Scripture. We are vulnerable to the subtle temptation of legalism. And this temptation has everything to do with our spiritual adoption….

Adopted! Part 2: One Couple’s Story

As I mentioned in the last post, one way to appreciate the doctrine of God’s adopting love is to read stories of sacrifice and love displayed in human adoption. One of the most compelling adoption stories I have read was written by my friend Russell Moore in his book, Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches (Crossway, 2009). Listen to their moving story in Moore’s own words (pp. 25–26, 43–44): “So, are they brothers?” the…